I think it's ridiculous that girls AND guys make such a big deal about me having curly hair. It's not even really puffy, just curly and brown. It's JUST hair, and they won't even accept that I'm an individual... not everyone can or wants to look like everyone else. Of course sometimes I wish I had straight hair mostly because of what they say, but I'm not going to change who I am just for them. What do you think? Is it better for me to stick with the hair I have and that I LIKE?
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
You are not an individual for having curly hair.
I don't think sticking up for your hair type is something very revolutionary, or something to make such a big fuss over.
I doubt the girls and guys are making that much of a big deal.
I think curly hair looks right on the right people.
Changing your hair doesn't change who you are. If you had straight hair, you'd still be the same person. You'd just have sleeker hair.
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
I love curly hair, if it isnt frizzy. I have wavy-straight hair. I think go with what u like bcuz those that mind dont matter and those that matter dont mind :-).
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
Keep your hair curly. Dont change your hair style of what people think just ignore them. In plus the people that annoy you have no lives (hehe)!!:)
Hope i helped!!
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
as long as your hair is under control, it should be fine!
if it looks like that ^ its fine.
if it looks like that its fine too ^^ : -)
and it doesn't have to look like either of those pictures, but you probably get the idea. no frizziness or overly puffiness ;-)
if your hair is super puffy or frizzy, you can try pulling it half way up for the puffiness, or striaghtening the bottom part and leaving the top curly. for frizziness use the frizease producte or any other frizz calming creams!
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
I have the same hair (long curly and brown) yeah, everybody here has straight hair but I find a lot of people compliment on my hair, I'm sorry there giving you a hard time abou your hair! I wonder why? Keep your hair curly and stand tall, your right for staying an individual and not going where the crown is!
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
I have curly hair and I love it, everyone tells me all the time how pretty it is. You should make your self happy first,then make the others en-vie you.OH and the longer curly hair becomes the prettier it is.
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
wtv you feel comfortable with and if you think you look good with it, then leave your hair alone!
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
I know exactly what you mean! I have curly hair as well, very curly , and all my life people have been telling me how many different ways my hair would look better, and when they didn't have a "suggestion" they teased. Don't worry about it, people just make a big deal about something you have because they envy you. I know it sounds frustrating, but I suggest you ride it out, trust me, eventually it'll get old. Wear your hair any way you like, it's yours to enjoy, and never mind the rest. I've learned that people who don't have curly hair, don't realize the hassle and the care that must go into it. They just think they know better. Let it be. It's better to stand out and be remembered individually than to be remembered collectively. Ultimately, what the f... do they care!
Why do people make such a big deal about me having curly hair?
i know exactly what you mean...for 2 years i have straightened my hair untill it was really damaged. finally i decided to try and leave my hair natural and curly.
so basically what I'm trying to say is that don't worry what people say just be yourself and think of it this way .....in a year or two all the girls who straightened their hair everyday will have damaged thin hair and you will be left with the beautiful thick curly hair.
hope this helped and remember just be yourself , as long as your happy it dosent matter what other people think. you dont want to be a Barbie clone anyway.
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