Thursday, June 17, 2010

Green eyes, pale skin and curly light brown hair?

random question:

so yeah, thats me in my description lol. anyways, so i was wondering, do people actually really love nice eyes on someone? like numerous people have commented on my eyes before on how they like them a lot. also, do you find curly hair or pale skin attractive? i know it's sort of a weid question, but some people are like that when it comes to physical features.

Green eyes, pale skin and curly light brown hair?

Yeah, guys usually do like girl's eyes a lot, green, and blue eyes are very pretty, and brown too, I think green are my favorite though, and a lot of people would agree with that, and blue eyes too. Brown eyes look awesome too though.

To answer your question, I think you sound very pretty. People with green eyes, and brown hair though generally tend to look more attractive with straight hair though, so if possible try straightening it, but the way you look sounds attractive, so don't worry about it either way.

Green eyes, pale skin and curly light brown hair?

They say eyes are the window to someones if you have pretty eyes you must have a pretty soul and that's all that really should matter. :o)

Green eyes, pale skin and curly light brown hair?

sounds like me except my eyes are a bluish greenXD


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