I was watching the Simpsons' Movie and Flanders said to his son you have the devil's curly hair. I wasn't sure what that meant but I'm guessing it is an antisemetic phrase.
What does the phrase the devil's curly hair mean?
I'm guessing it says in the bible that curly hair is a sin and/or a sign of the devil. Long hair, eating shrimp, and wearing red are also "sins", according to the bible.
What does the phrase the devil's curly hair mean?
Straightening a Curly Hair
folktales of Aarne-Thompson type 1175
in which a demon is defeated
because he cannot
straighten a curly hair
The Brahmar鑺択shas and the Hair (India)
Tapai and the Brahman (India)
The Devil and the Farmer (England)
Tricking the Devil (Germany)
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Open the link below for the entire story
Gypsy woman called at the farm house, and seeing the farmer was in trouble, asked him what was the matter. So he up and told her all about it.
Says the Gypsy woman, "When he comes home, you get the missus to give him one of her curly hairs, and then send him to the blacksmith's shop to straighten it on the blacksmith's anvil.
What does the phrase the devil's curly hair mean?
is it a reference to pubic hair?
What does the phrase the devil's curly hair mean?
I figured it as Neddy lamenting the ginger tinge of his son's heads. I don't see how that could be anti-Semitic, although there is an anthropological theory that says all red hair has Jewish roots (pardon the pun; perhaps I should have said genealogy). I think ginger-taunting is pretty much a global phenomenon, though it's probably the stupidest basis for an -ism I know of.
What does the phrase the devil's curly hair mean?
thats what i thought. Becaue the stereotypical jew look is big nose with curly hair, though not all jews have big noses or curly hair
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